A basic Simcity style game written for the #Pico1k jam.

Controls are:

Arrow Keys - Move cursor
X - Place tile shown in overlay panel
Z - Change tile shown in overlay panel

The 6 tile types are:

1) Ground - counts as bulldozing
2) Road - also counts as electrical conduit
3) Residential
4) Business
5) Industrial
6) Power plant


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(1 edit)

This is a fantastic achievement, you've squeezed in so much!

great game!!! i am making so much money omg

Thanks. Was originally going to have a 'You Win' ending but only had 1 byte left to write it :)

Maximum score is 32767 (I think) before it flips back around to -32768 and you will no longer be able to buy anything.
I'll take a look at it over the next week as it is a bug but I wanted to get something out there so I could start another idea I had.